By mid-afternoon, this is what the nursery looked like...yikes!
A collection of stories to chronicle the life of our first bundle of joy, from the very beginning.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Baby Furniture
By mid-afternoon, this is what the nursery looked like...yikes!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Week 12-Doctor's Appt. #2
I also got to hear Baby K's heartbeat and it was strong as could be! Overall, things looked great. I will go back in a month, when I'm about 17 weeks.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Week 12-Doctor's Appt. #1
Tomorrow, I have doctor's appt. #2 for my next prenatal check-up. I'll keep you posted!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Week 11
Here I am at 11 weeks...already quite the belly. I am s l o w l y starting to feel better. I am still relying on the Zofran to get me through the day occasionally and am still having a hard time with food. I am having trouble sleeping because I'm uncomfortable and have to go to the bathroom a lot (which actually isn't all that unusual for me!).
I've gained about 3-4 pounds (looks like lots more though...ha!) and Baby K is the size of a lime. I can still fit into some of my regular clothes but am rotating in some maternity clothes. This week was like Christmas for me. My dear friend, Lindsay, brought me 2 gigantic tubs of maternity clothes (that's in addition to the large bag she'd already let me borrow)...thank goodness for her!
I am now on Fall Break for 2 weeks so I am hoping that Baby K and I get some much-needed rest and relaxation and return to school feeling well. My next prenatal appointment is next Wednesday so I'll keep you updated!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Week 10
I am one quarter of the way through my! This week got pretty difficult again. I have ANOTHER bladder infection, and along with that, returned the fatigue and morning sickness...yuck! I had to take another trip to the doctor to get antibiotics and am starting to feel better. I've been very nauseous, though, this week and haven't been able to eat much.
When I was at the doctor, they did weigh me and I have surprisingly gained 3 pounds so far. This is good news since at my last visit I had lost 5 pounds. I am definitely beginning to look pregnant too. In fact, my students started questioning it so I finally had to tell them this week. They are really excited and had lots of questions!
Hopefully, I can keep these bladder infections away and start feeling better as I get closer and closer to the second trimester!
Week 9
I feel better...then I feel sick...then I feel better...then I feel sick. This is pretty much my life right now. Eating is still really difficult too.
The best part about this week was, of course, hearing Baby K's heartbeat and then making it official to all our family. Everyone was so excited for us! We tried to tell as many people in person as we could so we traveled to South Bend for the long weekend. When I returned to work on Tuesday, I announced our good news to all my co-workers. It's so nice to not have to keep it a secret any longer! Now the only ones left that don't know are my kiddos at school. Maybe next week...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Our First Ultrasound
Week 8
I am finally beginning to feel better! Yay! I am down to feeling sick maybe every other day or so. Unfortunately, I'm still funny about food and what I can handle eating. Overall, though, this is the best week I've had in awhile.
Our first ultrasound and prenatal appointment is coming up next week. I'll keep you posted on how it goes! We can't wait to hear Baby K's heartbeat and know all is well!