Baby K is sitting VERY low these days so walking and moving around can get pretty difficult and painful at times. I've been having contractions all week, but so far, they have not gotten consistent or stronger. I also have a dull backache that doesn't seem to be going away and heartburn, heartburn, heartburn. I swear I get heartburn from every food and beverage I consume (which isn't a whole lot anymore since I'm really not very hungry)! Baby K has also put the brakes on moving around all day...there just isn't much room for gymnastics anymore! As uncomfortable as I can get, these are all good signs that Baby K is getting ready for his/her big move!
This week, I've spent a lot of time getting prepared for Baby K's arrival. My hospital bag is almost completely packed, and I've done some (more) shopping for baby clothing. Of course, shopping for clothes will be MUCH more fun once I know Baby K's gender! I've also made a few final preparations in the nursery. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be!