Weight: 20 lbs.
Height: 27 1/2 inches
What he's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 9 month clothes
Special tricks: Oliver can now roll from his back to his belly and from his belly to his back. He is mimicking us more and more these days and loves to crack himself up making noises with his hands in his mouth...such a boy!
Eating: Every 4 hours; he is also now eating fruits and veggies several times a day. So far, he has had bananas, applesauce, pears (his favorite!), avocado, squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. He has yet to meet a food he doesn't like!
Sleeping: He eats at 8:00 pm, goes to sleep right after that and sleeps until I wake him up at 6:00 am to eat again. On the weekends, he will usually go back to sleep again until 8:00 or 9:00 am. Mama and Daddy like that!
Activities: Oliver still loves his exersaucer. He also just got a Johnny Jumper and loves to bounce in it!
Oliver is just the happiest, sweetest baby. His Mama and Daddy just love him to pieces.