Weight: somewhere in the neighborhood of 23-24 lbs.
Height: somewhere around 30-31 inches
What he's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 18 month clothes, size 6 shoes
Special tricks: Oliver is not yet walking, but he moves around furniture and walks holding onto us really well. I'm sure he will be walking soon enough! Recently, Oliver has begun giving kisses, signing a few words (dog and more) and communicating better through words and actions. He says dada, mama, dog and Hoosier.
Eating: Oliver has 8 teeth now. He is becoming less dependent on milk and moving more toward 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. He will try most foods but doesn't really eat a whole lot of anything. He does really like yogurt, bagels, sweet potatoes, applesauce, fish and pork. He is getting really good at using his sippy cup too.
Sleeping: 7:30 pm - 6:00 am (sometimes 4:45 am...ugh!)
Activities: Oliver is still really into playing with doors. He also likes Legos, books and his walker. We have recently let him play with bubbles and balloons, and he is fascinated by both! Since the weather has been so nice here lately, we have spent a lot of time outside. He loves to go for walks in the stroller and bike rides in the bike trailer.
He's looking so big in this picture! :) Uncle Matt and Aunt Fay are excited to see him again and give him hugs and kisses!