Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011

Oliver is 8 Months Old!

Weight: somewhere in the neighborhood of 24 lbs.

Height: 29 1/2 inches

What he's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 12-18 month clothes, size 4 shoes

Special tricks: Oliver still only crawls backwards. He has crawled forward but then usually flops onto the floor like it was the hardest thing he's ever done! Lately, he has begun fake coughing all the time and likes to shriek, just for the heck of it. He is a constant ball of motion and noise!

Eating: Dude still loves to eat! He is now feeding himself puffs and other little finger foods and has mastered the sippy cup. He also recently started eating yogurt which he loves!

Sleeping: 8:00 pm - 6:00 am and longer on the weekends!

Activities: He is getting very into toys lately...probably because he just got 27 new toys for Christmas...ha! He loves to manipulate things, watch his toys that light up and rock 'n roll to the music they play. He is getting really good at standing to play with his new activity table.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oliver's 6 Month Photo Shoot

A few of my favorites from Oliver's 6 month photo shoot, done by our fantastic photographer, Ashley Ernstberger...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving at Pokagon

This past weekend, Oliver spent his first of many Thanksgivings at Pokagon State Park. We had a terrific time swimming, hiking, hanging out by the bonfire, eating delicious food and spending time with family.

Oliver was spoiled by his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins...everyone wanted to hold him! Here he is hanging out with his cousin, Elizabeth...

and his grandma and grandpa...

and his daddy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oliver is 7 Months Old!

Weight: 21 lbs. 5 oz.

Height: 29 inches

What he's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 9-12 month clothes

Special tricks: Oliver is rolling all over the place and trying so hard to crawl. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth, but so far, he can only go backwards! He also started clapping not too long ago, and we're working on waving :)

Eating: He eats 3 good meals of solids a day. We recently introduced proteins (beef and chicken), and he's still not sure what to think of those. We also started giving him a sippy cup and puffs. He does great with the sippy cup, but the puffs end up stuck to his face or on the floor for Hoosier to eat!

Sleeping: 8:00 pm - 6:00 am and longer on the weekends!

Activities: Oliver likes to hang out on the floor, playing with toys. He also likes to watch baby sign language videos or anything else with lots of music. Of course, rocking himself back and forth is still his pastime of choice!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Pictures-Fall 2011

Oliver wearing his monogrammed fall shirt from this website. So cute!

Hanging out with daddy...

Visiting with my grandma in Muncie...

Chillin' in his daddy's old rocking chair...

Halloween was one tough day!

Ready to run errands with Mama and Daddy...

Going for one of our last walks before the weather gets too cold...

Having a little photo shoot with Mama...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Oliver wants to wish everyone a spooktacular Halloween! He didn't go trick-or-treating this year because he outgrew his costume 3 months ago :) Here he is sporting all his original Halloween duds that I purchased before he was born. Unfortunately, he fit into them back in July when he was 3 months old :(

Here he is now, wearing all his new Halloween clothes!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oliver is 6 Months Old!

Weight: 20 lbs. 3 oz. (91st percentile)

Height: 28 1/2 inches (99th percentile)

What he's wearing: Size 3 diaper, 9-12 month clothes

Special tricks: Oliver is talking so much lately, and he is now stringing sounds together (da-da-da and ga-ga-ga). He still constantly rocks back and forth, and his legs and hands are always moving. He also recently got this first two teeth (bottom front) and began sitting up on his own!

Eating: Every 4 hours; he continues to eat fruits and veggies also. Right now, he is going through a phase where he prefers his vegetables to be mixed with fruit. Overall, he is not picky at all, though! We will soon be trying out meats and a few new fruits and veggies.

Sleeping: 8:00 pm - 6:00 am and longer on the weekends!

Activities: Oliver still enjoys his exersaucer and Johnny Jumper. He also likes reading books and playing with his stuffed animals that light up and play music.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oliver's Baptism Day

Oliver was baptized at our church, St. Elizabeth's, this past Sunday. We were very blessed to have so many family and friends join us for this special occasion.

Oliver with his godparents, Deron and Amy...

He was such a good boy during the entire service.

He loved the pouring! He actually stuck his arm in the water of the baptism font as soon as he was close enough to touch it!

He was very intrigued by his baptismal candle. He kept reaching out and trying to grab it.

The Blessing of the Mothers...

Oliver with his Mama and Daddy, his godparents and Deacon Bill...

Grandma and Grandpa...

and Gigi...

My BTF, Jessica, came from Kentucky to help make Oliver's cake and to attend his baptism.

We had the most wonderful day and are so proud of how well Oliver did. Thank you to all our family and friends that made the trip to attend this blessed occasion in Oliver's life!