Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 7

**Note: I am now 11 weeks pregnant. This post was written 4 weeks ago, before anyone knew, as a way of journaling my pregnancy, week by week.

Is it possible that I'm on the morning sickness upswing??? This week, I had a few bad days and a few good days. I have Zofran now for the nausea, but I haven't had to take it too often. I am praying that the morning sickness is beginning to make its exit! I haven't been nearly as tired this week either. I have been getting headaches and occasional heartburn, but all in all, this week hasn't been too bad.

I'm really looking forward to Friday, our first ultrasound! More details to come on that later!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 6

**Note: I am now almost 11 weeks pregnant. This post was written 5 weeks ago, before anyone knew, as a way of journaling my pregnancy, week by week.

Well, I am now 6 weeks pregnant and have just about every sign and symptom of early pregnancy that you can think of. Severe nausea...check. Headaches...check. Fatigue...check. Food aversions...check. You name it, I have it. I even got to take an extra trip to my OB this week for a bladder infection. As if I don't have enough on my plate!

My appointment with the nurse educator went well. We went over nutrition (as if I want to think about food at a time like this), exercise (yeah right) and everything else pregnancy related. It was a very thorough appointment...if only she could tell me what to do to get rid of the nausea. Ugh!

Here's to hoping all this craziness goes away sooner rather than later! And yes, as negative as I sound right now, I really am quite excited. It will just be a little easier for me to be excited once I am spending less time crouched over the toilet and trying every morning sickness remedy on the market! See you next week!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 5

**Note: I am now about 10 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I wrote this about 5 weeks ago, before anyone knew, as a way of journaling my pregnancy, week by week.

This has been an interesting (and not so fun) week! I started off the week feeling VERY tired. I am taking naps whenever I can and going to bed each night by 8 or 9. Then, by the middle of the week, morning sickness, intense food aversions and mood swings set in. I am pretty much feeling nauseous 24/7, although, I did purchase SEA-Bands yesterday and they seem to be improving the situation a bit. I have had a very hard time eating this week because very few things sound appealing to me. I seem to be ok with carbs and fruit. Sweets, however, are out (how bizarre for me!).

I am trying to walk with Hoosier each night, but the intense heat here in Indianapolis and the nausea are making that difficult. So I'm trying to just rest as much as I can and eat as much as I can handle, for the time being.

This week I have also developed a terrible head cold (thanks to my kiddos at school) which has just about put me over the edge! I was already an emotional wreck, but things got much worse after I developed the cold. I actually cried in the middle of Walgreen's yesterday morning because the 70 year male pharmacist refused to tell me what kind of cold medicine was safe for me to take. I mean, seriously! At least I can laugh about it now, but at the time, I was traumatized. Thankfully, I have awesome friends at work! One in particular ran out to the nearest pharmacy and picked up medicine she knew I could take (by the way, the pharmacist where she went was more than happy to confirm her choice as safe). Now, I am hopefully on my way to getting rid of this cold and feeling less nauseous thanks to the SEA-Bands!

My first appointment with the nurse educator at my OB/GYN's office is on Monday! I'll keep you all posted on how it goes!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


On Saturday, July 31, 2010, I found out I was pregnant (even though I had had a feeling for a week or two prior)! We are so excited to meet our first bundle of joy, Baby K, sometime in April!

In this blog, I will be chronicling Baby K's life (and adventures later on), starting at the very beginning.

Welcome! I hope you'll stick around!

Week 4

**Note: I am now 10 weeks pregnant. I wrote this 6 weeks ago, before anyone knew, as a way of journaling my pregnancy, week by week.

This week, I felt pretty good. I have had a bit of nausea and fatigue, but other than that, I have just been HUNGRY!! I want to eat pretty much anything that won't run away from me! I even wake up most nights for a snack! I seem to crave carbs in particular. However, I did find out the hard way that Baby K does NOT like pizza. How un-American, right? Baby K does, however, love Trefoils (the Girl Scout cookie). Ironically, my troop had several boxes of Trefoils leftover from cookie sales last year. I will be putting those to good use! God really does work in mysterious ways, huh?

I meet with the nurse educator in about a week for my first appointment and have an ultrasound scheduled in about a month. We have decided not to find out the sex of Baby K. It will be a big surprise come April!