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Friday, January 28, 2011

Bedrest Day #2

Once again, my day began very early...2:30 A.M. to be exact. I woke up to fairly strong contractions that were coming 2 minutes apart. Fortunately, they stopped within 10 minutes or so...longest 10 minutes of my life! After that, they came much more infrequently. I went into work, called the doctor once the office opened, and was, of course, immediately sent home...again.

So here I am, sitting once again at home, catching up on my blogging, reading and "CSI: NY." I am supposed to rest all weekend, drink lots of fluids and call the doctor back on Monday morning. Monday is supposedly "Decision Day"...either I will be put on bedrest for the remaining 10 weeks of my pregnancy or not.

Either way, I will certainly follow the doctor's orders as closely as possible, but it is Baby Showerpalooza weekend, and if Baby K is planning on showing up early, we need stuff! I'll post pics soon of my "restful" weekend and keep you updated on the bedrest issue.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Rest or Not to Rest

Well, today was the 4th day of contractions, and they decided to become more frequent...10-20 minutes apart for most of the morning and early afternoon. By mid-afternoon, the dull backache I had didn't seem to be going anywhere either so I called the doctor again. After explaining everything that's happened this week to the nurse, the doctor decided to send me home from work to rest. So here I am, laying in bed, watching old episodes of "Friends" and praying this does not become my life for the next 10 weeks.

So far, the contractions have slowed since I've been laying in bed so I'm a bit worried that bedrest may be in my future. I have to call the doctor in the morning to give him an update and see where we are going from here. He did say that it's possible I have contracted a virus that many pregnant women are getting right now, but judging from the fact that the contractions have slowed down since I've been resting, I don't think that's the case. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Monday, January 24, 2011

When Will Baby K Arrive?

Update: It's now been over 48 hours since my unexpected visit to Labor & Delivery. and the contractions have not yet stopped. I have been keeping track of them, and they still are not happening consistently or particularly strong, but I'm giving it until tomorrow afternoon before I call the doctor back and find out what to do next. I'll keep you posted!

Original Post: While I do not know the definitive answer to that, I do know with certainty that it's not today. After a little scare this afternoon, Dr. Mernitz has determined that I am NOT in premature labor.

Here's the story...I woke up around 2:30 this morning to contractions (the real ones, not Braxton Hicks). They were by no means coming at regular intervals, but they were definitely coming. I called the doctor this morning and spoke with a nurse. I knew right away that I wasn't going to get the token "That's perfectly normal" reassurance. I was right because, after asking 10 minutes worth of questions, she said she needed to "consult the doctor" and would call me right back. When she called, she told me that Dr. Moore wanted me in Labor and Delivery immediately. Talk about nerve-wracking! I was fully expecting to have to go to the office, but I was definitely NOT prepared to go to the hospital.

Once I arrived at the hospital, they hooked me up to a fetal heartrate monitor which showed Baby K to have a strong heartbeat and be moving around a bunch. Just imagine being able to feel, see AND hear Baby K's strange! Dr. Mernitz arrived and ran some sort of protein test that predicts premature labor. Fortunately, the test came back negative. He also determined that I am not at all dilated. All good news! Unfortunately, he does not know what is causing the contractions (which, by the way, we were able to watch on the monitor). While he said it could be a number of things, his best guess is that it's my body's way of gearing up for actual labor. Maybe Baby K really is coming early as I have been predicting! After they monitored Baby K for a little while longer, they finally let me go home and told me to call if the contractions worsen.

So, here I am at home, trying to get some rest and wondering what's in store for me in the coming few weeks. I guess time will only tell!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 28

28! I'm still feeling pretty good. Baby K is moving around a lot these days. Me? Not so much. I get winded walking up the stairs (or down the hall or really anywhere these days)! This week, I didn't gain anything so I'm still at 20 pounds total. I have a feeling that's going to be changing very soon, though!

I'm sleeping a little bit better due mainly to the large amount of effort I put into getting the bed prepared each night. Let's just say it requires 4 pillows and a lot of blankets. Thankfully, though, all that work means I am able to walk when I wake up in the morning (or during the 37 times I wake up to go to the bathroom!).

Other random pregnancy-related things: my nose is still congested (has been for most of the pregnancy), my legs continue to go numb occasionally at night (that's been happening since the 2nd trimester) and my neck itches like crazy (this one's getting worse). I'm just grateful that none of these things are particularly uncomfortable or painful. Annoying..yes. Painful...not so much.

Hopefully, the next couple of weeks don't bring too much discomfort since we'll be traveling back home for a couple of baby showers. Yay!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Last of the Monthly Prenatal Appointments

Today was my last monthly prenatal appointment. I have now graduated to bi-weekly appointments...woo hoo!

I had my glucose tolerance test today. It was not bad AT ALL! So many people told me how nasty the Glucola was and how hard it was to drink. I thought it just tasted like orange soda that was a bit off. I had no problem at all getting it down. I should have the results of the test back tomorrow or Monday.

I, of course, also saw the doctor while I was there. This time, I saw another new (to me) doctor. I must admit...I was not a big fan. He spent approximately 3 minutes in the exam room and was not really forthcoming on information or answers to my questions. He "claims" (and I say it that way because he felt my belly for about 2.7 seconds) that he can't tell what position Baby K is in right now. Either he didn't really feel like doing his job today or he's such an expert at his job that he can tell just by looking at my stomach...ha! Oh well, maybe Baby K is still breech and this is God's way of keeping me from freaking out since we're beginning to run short on time for a mid-flight flip! I see an awesome doctor two weeks from now, and I am sure I will get more answers then. It's just very frustrating in the meantime.

Please say a little prayer that Baby K has turned. I am now 29 weeks so he/she has only about 5 weeks left to get into position before there is no room left for acrobatics!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 27

You'll have to excuse the pajamas in this picture! It seems like that's all I want to wear anymore!
This week, Baby K has continued moving and shaking a LOT. In fact, my belly now visibly moves when he/she kicks particularly hard. I also often have limbs poking me in the side...not so comfortable! If I had to guess, I would say that Baby K is still breech. I have a doctor's appointment coming up, though, so hopefully I will get a conclusive answer then.
Don slept most of this week in the guest bedroom so that I could try to get some sleep. Between that and the new body pillow, I have definitely slept better for the past few days. My back is hurting less in the morning too!
I am continuing to walk as much as possible which makes me so miss running! I can't wait to get back out and pound the pavement. So far, I've gained 20 pounds...all in my belly, thankfully, but you better believe I'll be running again, as soon as I can!
I haven't had too many other discomforts this week. Mostly, I'm just beginning to tire out very easily and am often short of breath. The infamous itching of the neck and chest has also worsened this week, but that's nothing that a little moisturizer can't fix.
Last week, Don and I began our childbirth preparation classes. They will continue throughout the month. So far, it's been very informative...awkward, but definitely informative!
My next doctor's appointment is in a few days. I will have my glucose tolerance test, as well as hopefully find out how Baby K is positioned these days! I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby Names

Well, we've narrowed down the list to 2 boy names and 2 girl names. We plan to make the final decision in the hospital, once Baby K arrives.

Drumroll please...

If Baby K is a boy, his name will either be...

Benjamin Thomas or Oliver Thomas.

If Baby K is a girl, her name will either be...

Abigail Kate or Quinn Avery.

So there you go! Now we just to wait until April to find out what it's going to be!

Also, stay tuned...I'm going to put a poll up on the sidebar of the blog so you can vote on whether you think Baby K is a boy or a girl.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 26

I have somehow gotten off by a week on my pictures so I have no picture to attach to this post. Oh well!

I went back to work this week, and things went pretty well! I really didn't get too tired at all, and since I'm not sleeping well, I'm already used to being up early. I'm still feeling good...I just get tired and out of breath much more easily now. I need to learn to relax and pace myself!

The Braxton Hicks have continued every once in awhile, and the heartburn/indigestion seems to be getting worse. I have gained a total of 20 pounds so far and continue to walk with Hoosier as often as I can. Baby K continues to move around a lot, and his/her kicks are getting much stronger! I even felt the baby have the hiccups this week!

This week, we also had our first childbirth prep class. It was very informative and awkward :) We have 2 more classes to attend still.

My next prenatal appointment is in 2 weeks. See you next week!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 25

25 weeks already! I can't believe how fast time flies yet I'm so ready to have Baby K here in my arms.

Things are still going well. Baby K is alive with activity everyday, as are the Braxton Hicks contractions! I'm getting them quite a bit these days. A few times they've been pretty uncomfortable, but mainly they are just annoying.

My back continues to bother me, and it's getting harder and harder to sleep at night. I've been experimenting with different chairs, couches and beds in the house, but the result always seems to be the same!

Other than the back pain, I can't really complain. I'm able to eat most foods (except chicken and hamburgers), and feel pretty good most of the time. It probably helps that I've been off work for 2 weeks though!

The weather has been nicer here in Indy lately so we've been trying to take advantage of that by taking longer walks with Hoosier. I also got some great walking in while we were in Georgia this past was much warmer there! So far, I've gained 19 pounds...I think I better keep walking and lay off the holiday sweets!

See you next week! I may be singing a different tune then since my Winter Break is coming to a more relaxing all day in my pajamas!