Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 16

My apologies for the truly horrendous photo above...yikes!

Week 16 finally brought complete and utter relief from morning sickness...I've never been so happy in all my life! I actually feel like a normal person again. Overall, I am feeling really good right now. I can eat most things (except meat still), smells don't bother me as much anymore, the back pain and headaches haven't returned, and on and on and on!

Baby K was moving around a bit in previous weeks but not so much this week. I do, however, have the hiccups ALL the time! Other than that, there really was not much going on this past week. See you next week!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby K Update

I had a prenatal appointment today. Everything went very well. Baby K's heart rate was steady and strong at 150 bpm. He or she is measuring right on target, and I have finally gained enough weight to be on track. Thank seems things are finally calming down around here!

Our next appointment will be right after Thanksgiving. I'll be having an ultrasound, and we could find out the gender of the baby then, if we were those kind of people...'cept we're not! Sorry!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Sneak Peek at the Bedding

The bedding arrived a few weeks ago (compliments of Nini and Pawpaw)! It is chocolate brown, cream and light green. I absolutely adore it! I can't wait to finish the nursery now with all the little accents that match! We still need to paint as well, but I'm keeping my idea for that under wraps until it's done.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 15

This week there isn't a whole lot to report. Baby K is getting bigger, and I, blessedly, am getting less nauseous. My back isn't bothering me quite as much these days either. It's like I'm turning back into a regular person! Woo hoo!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 14

**Sorry about the lack of spaces in between paragraphs. They show up when I am typing it but not when I publish the post. I have tried and tried (because it drives me nuts), but it won't seem to fix.
Could it be?? Could it actually be??? I had 3 really good days at the end of this week. I have hardly needed the Zofran at all this week! I'm wondering if it's possible that I'm FINALLY feeling better. I guess we'll have to wait and see!
The week started off horribly. I went back to school on Monday, after having 2 weeks off for Fall Break. I think being on my feet all day and constantly on the go was a shock to my system. I was SO sick! I couldn't eat anything, and I was really beginning to worry about the lack of weight I'm gaining (despite the look of my belly in the picture above!). I lost 2 more pounds this week...ugh. However, the end of the week brought about quite the turn-around! I'm beginning to feel more and more hungry each day and seem to have a wider array of food options!
My back is still bothering me, but I think that's probably going to stick around throughout my entire pregnancy. The headaches have happened less often this week so that's been nice. I also took a nice blow to the back with a kickball this week (thanks to my kiddos at school) that prompted a call to the doctor...don't judge, it was the first neurotic phone call I've made during my entire pregnancy! The nurse assured me that Baby K would be just fine despite the inner tornado that he or she probably felt! It sure didn't help my back pain, though!
The best part about this week though? Baby K has been a-moving and a-shaking a LOT this week! Apparently he or she likes the song "Hallelujah" (you may remember it from the movie "Shrek") because I was singing along to it on the way to work this week, and Baby K was having quite the dance party in my belly! Who knows? Maybe the kickball incident made Baby realize how fun it is to move around in there!
Coming up: an updated look at the nursery...the bedding came!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby K's First Photo Shoot

Don and I had our pictures taken by a very talented photographer, Ashley Ernstberger, a few weeks ago. Baby K definitely decided to make his or her presence known that day!

Here are a few of Baby K's first family pictures...

I can't wait to have Ashley take photos of our family once Baby K arrives next spring!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 13

For a pregnant girl that's not really gaining weight, I sure look like I am! As I mentioned last week, I'm going to be in trouble with my doctor in a few weeks if I don't start gaining weight like I should be. The problem is that I'm still so nauseous that I can't eat anything. Once I force food down, I do feel better, but NOTHING sounds good...pretty much all food makes me want to throw up :( I do better if we go out to eat and I have lots of options, but we can't eat out everyday for obvious reasons!
Despite feeling sick most of the time, I have had a couple of days where I feel good. Unfortunately, those days make me hopeful that the nausea is passing, and usually, by the next day, it's back full force!
My back is still bothering me occasionally, but the headaches seem to be gone. Overall, I really am feeling pretty good. My next prenatal appointment is at the end of October.
In more exciting news, the diaper stacker I ordered for the nursery arrived this week so now I can use it to go match paint colors. I have (in my opinion) a pretty cool plan for how we are going to paint the nursery. I'll post pictures once it's done, but that probably won't be for awhile! See you next week!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 12

Here I am at 12 weeks! I'm still feeling nauseous and not really liking food too much, particularly pizza and meat...blech! A few things I can't get enough of are Cool Ranch Doritos, milk and bagels (or any bread, for that matter).

My back has been bothering me quite a bit, and the headaches have continued at night. I get the hiccups all the time too!

I think I felt the Baby K move this week, though! We were sitting on the deck, enjoying a nice fall evening when I felt a strange little sensation in my belly. I sat really still for a few more minutes and felt it one more time.

All in all, things are going pretty well. I'm really just ready to be nausea-free, but it's definitely better than it was several weeks ago so I can't complain too much!