Right now, Baby K weighs 1 lb., 1 oz., has a head circumference of 19 cm, a head length of 5 cm and is in the 51st percentile for length. Everything shows that he/she is right on track, does not show signs of any birth defects and has all functioning organs and limbs. Baby K is still measuring a little big but only by 2 days now instead of over a week like at the last ultrasound. Once again, the heart rate was a nice and strong 145 bpm.
The only potential problem they noticed was that Baby K is currently sitting breech. His/her legs are pushing into my left hip (which explains the terrible hip pain I've been having) and baby's head is up higher on my right side. Interestingly enough, all the movement I've been feeling on my right side, which I thought were kicks, are actually punches and head butts! The doctor is optimistic that Baby K will flip around, although he/she doesn't seem to be quite the mover and shaker many babies are. This could prove to be a disadvantage because we need the baby to be moving around a lot right now so he/she will flip over. The longer the baby stays breech, the higher the risk of having a c-section (or the baby manually flipped...ouch!) for me. With each passing week, the baby is running out of room to move. At 34 weeks, it is virtually impossible for babies to turn over so, at that point, we will have to discuss our options. Right now, we will just keep our fingers crossed that Baby K will turn around!
Here's a look at the cute little thing (head and belly)...
and the bottom of a foot...
and another peek at Baby K's cute little face and belly. This picture is my favorite because you can so clearly make out facial features (including a smile!)...
Our next appointment is right before Christmas so I'm hoping that Baby K's present to mama is that he/she will no longer be breech!