Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week 37

I'm on spring break this week, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I'm definitely feeling more uncomfortable than I had been so it's been great to be able to just sit around reading and napping. The weather has been a bit nicer, too, so Hoosier and I have been able to get outside and take a walk each morning.

Baby K is sitting VERY low these days so walking and moving around can get pretty difficult and painful at times. I've been having contractions all week, but so far, they have not gotten consistent or stronger. I also have a dull backache that doesn't seem to be going away and heartburn, heartburn, heartburn. I swear I get heartburn from every food and beverage I consume (which isn't a whole lot anymore since I'm really not very hungry)! Baby K has also put the brakes on moving around all day...there just isn't much room for gymnastics anymore! As uncomfortable as I can get, these are all good signs that Baby K is getting ready for his/her big move!

This week, I've spent a lot of time getting prepared for Baby K's arrival. My hospital bag is almost completely packed, and I've done some (more) shopping for baby clothing. Of course, shopping for clothes will be MUCH more fun once I know Baby K's gender! I've also made a few final preparations in the nursery. I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Chicks for Baby K

I felt I needed to make a treat to celebrate Baby K's impending arrival. What better way to do that than make baby chick cake pops?

Really, it's just my way of bribing people to come visit after Baby K arrives! Maybe if I give 'em two, they'll agree to stick around and let me catch some zzz's!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 36

This was my last week of work so now I get to rest, rest, rest until Baby K arrives! Toward the end of the week, Baby K dropped WAY down so now it's a little uncomfortable to walk and move around. Other than that, I really can't complain! I feel pretty darn good for only having a few weeks left!

I've now gained a total of 36 pounds, and I've been able to get outside and start walking with Don and Hoosier again now that the weather is nicer and the sciatica is gone.

I still have occasional heartburn, a very runny nose, insomnia and very swollen legs, but that is all par for the course. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't become miserable in the final couple of weeks and that Baby K arrives soon!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Doctor's Appointment-Week 37

Today, I had one of my last (hopefully!) doctor's appointments, and it appears as though Baby K has been served his/her eviction notice.

Baby K is doing great...heart rate of 142 today. I am effaced but not dilated. My doctor said that Baby K's head is VERY low right now and pushing down VERY hard (no kidding!). Because of this, he thinks the effacement process will go quickly and said that Baby K could arrive "anyday." Guess we'll be finding out what "anyday" actually means!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 35

Things finally improved this week! I'm over the stomach bug and mostly over the terrible cold I've had (except for some major stuffiness) AND Baby K has dropped even lower which means I no longer have a 6 lb. baby sitting on my sciatic nerve. I can walk again...hallelujah!

Overall, I have actually felt really good this week! I even got out and took Hoosier on a walk yesterday. I think he was shocked...ha!

My only complaint right now is how tired I am. I am exhausted by 7 or 8 every night and usually go to bed, but I am suffering from terrible insomnia so I usually only sleep a couple of hours at a time. I won't complain too much, though, since things will only get worse once Baby K arrives! At least now, I can get up and read (or post things on the blog!).

See you next excited to be in the home stretch!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby K's New Ride

Check out Baby K's new ride!

I can't wait for the day I can strap Baby K in and go for a run!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 34

Well, I can definitely tell I'm getting toward the end of this pregnancy. Things seem to get rougher and rougher as the days go by. This week was not a lot of fun. I actually managed to get a stomach virus AND the flu all in one week. Fortunately, the stomach virus only lasted about 36 hours, but I only had a 36 hour reprieve before I caught the flu that Don had been sick with. I'm still not 100%, but I feel a lot better than I did when it first started.

The stomach bug really threw me for a loop. I actually thought I was in labor, and the doctor wasn't even sure at first. It turns out that I just got dehydrated from being sick so often in such a short amount of time which caused the contractions to start. I thought for sure Baby K was coming! Once I got a bunch of fluids to stay down, though, the contractions and cramping stopped. I guess Baby K wants to hang out for a little while longer!

I also still have the sciatica so it continues to be difficult to walk and get around. The doctor says that is just an unfortunate side effect of how I'm carrying the baby. Funny thing, though...Baby K did NOT like the stomach virus at all and moved around a LOT during that time...right off my sciatic nerve. So, the best walking I could've done was when I was laid up in bed and couldn't really even move!

Despite all the illness, I have managed to put on quite a few pounds in the past couple of weeks. I am now at 31 pounds gained total. I have a feeling that some of that is water, though, since my legs and feet are swollen so much.

Here's to hoping that this next week is better for Baby K and me!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Doctor's Appointment-Week 35

Today was my last bi-weekly prenatal appointment. I have now graduated to weekly appointments. Everything went just fine...really no news to report. Baby K's heart rate was 137, and my doctor, who does not know the sex of the baby, predicted it to be a boy. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

Stay tuned for my Week 34 update!