Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby K!

Happy Birthday, Oliver Thomas!

I went to the hospital on Monday night for the Cervidil and had to spend the night. The next morning, they started the Pitocin and broke my water. Unfortunately, the Cervidil and Pitocin were not able to do their jobs. I only dilated to 5 cm, and as soon as the Pitocin was turned off (after being increased 4 times to its maximum dosage), the contractions completely stopped. Around 9:00, we made the decision to do the C-section.

Here we are, after 14 long hours of very non-productive labor, suiting up for surgery.

After much drama (and during a horrible storm, I might add...I could hear the tornado sirens going off on the radio in the OR during the C-section!), Baby K finally decided to arrive on Tuesday, April 19 at 9:54 P.M. He weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs., 4 oz. and was 21 1/4 inches long! Whew! No wonder he had to be delivered by C-section.

Oliver had to be intibated immediately following his birth because he had swallowed some meconium. Fortunately, the neonatalogist was able to get all of it suctioned out of his mouth and stomach before it could do any harm. After several tense minutes, I was finally able to hear him cry! Unfortunately, at that point, I was still unsure as to whether I had delivered a boy or girl. Since everyone nowadays finds out the gender of the baby beforehand, my doctor forgot to announce it to us. I finally heard someone in the OR say "him" so I knew it was a boy...ha!

Holy cow...look how long he is! How did he ever fit in my belly??

Finally getting to hold our baby for the first time!

Don't you just love this face?!?

Hanging out back in our hospital room, waiting to be moved to Postpartum.

Oliver Thomas, your mama and daddy waited so long for you, and we couldn't be happier that we can now hold you in our arms. Happy Birthday!

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